Auto Shop Tips

Auto Shop Tips

It can be inconvenient and sometimes intimidating to take your car to the auto shop. If you aren’t a car expert, you may often feel left in the dark when the service manager talks to you about everything you need to fix on your car. The cost is never appealing either....
Car Insurance 101

Car Insurance 101

Do you own a car? Do you drive? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions, then you are supposed to have car insurance. Car insurance can be a tricky and even scary responsibility.  While most people know whether they have liability, collision and/or...
Buying and Loving a Used Car

Buying and Loving a Used Car

A great place to look when you are shopping for a car is the pre-owned option.  Like everything else in this world, there is someone or something that wants the latest and greatest and you could definitely be taking advantage of that mentality for your own...
Zen Car Shopping

Zen Car Shopping

It can seem impossible to begin to think buying a car is anything short of stressful and a headache – all you hear about are the horror stories, the awful salespeople and the feeling of being beaten down again and again.  There are so many routes and options,...
Notable US Cars Worth a Lot of Money

Notable US Cars Worth a Lot of Money

The USA has a long and illustrious history in the automobile industry. We have managed to create some incredible vehicles. Most of them have been forgotten by time; however, there are a few cars that are now worth upwards of $200,000. Here are a few of these...
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