The A B C’s of Car Loans

The A B C’s of Car Loans

Whether you are purchasing a vehicle from a dealership or buying from a private party, more often than not you will need to take out a loan. Car loans, though, like any loan can be all kinds of confusing. Here are a few things to consider beforehand. Get Your Loan...
I’ll Never be a Mini-Van Mom

I’ll Never be a Mini-Van Mom

If I had a dollar for every time I said that I would never be a mini-van mom, I would be able to buy a mini-van. I don’t think that I am alone on this! When we find our forever partner and settle down, we are not driving a van. A family car is the farthest from...
When Do You Gas Up?

When Do You Gas Up?

There are two types of people in this world: those that gas up before they get below the half mark and those that wait until the empty light starts flashing.  No matter which side you fall on, you are bound to know someone on the other side.  You might get...
Trucks are for Girls

Trucks are for Girls

Think of a stereotypical car that a woman might want to drive. Is the first vehicle that comes to mind a cute little car? While many women (and men) drive small cars, there are other options. Not every girl dreams of driving a truck, but there are quite a few perks...
Car Maintenance

Car Maintenance

Car Maintenance When learning to drive, there should be more focus on the upkeep of your vehicle. One big part of staying safe, while on the road, is keeping up with the maintenance of your car. Not only does taking care of your car keep you safe, but it also...
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