What’s the best type of car? Truck, SUV, compact? There’s so many
I’ll Never be a Mini-Van Mom
If I had a dollar for every time I said that I would never be a mini-van mom, I would be able to buy a mini-van. I don’t think that I am alone on this! When we find our forever partner and settle down, we are not driving a van. A family car is the farthest from our minds at that time. Around the time the first kid is added to the equation, the thoughts start to creep up. Many are still not ready to run out and buy that sweet mini-van. By kid three if you haven’t already made the plunge, you are considering it! At this point, you are either crying tears of joy or tears of sadness.
Auto Finances
Looking to buy a new car? Leasing a car? Take a look at our auto finance related articles.
Tips & Tricks
Take a look at all the tips and tricks we’ve found for you and your automobile.
Trucks are for Girls
Think of a stereotypical car that a woman might want to drive. Is the first vehicle that comes to mind a cute little car? While many women (and men) drive small cars, there are other options. Not every girl dreams of driving a truck, but there are quite a few perks that go along with owning a truck! Once you try it, nothing else will do.

Little Hacks for Your Car
Any time you come across a little hack to make car ownership easier, you should take that exit. There’s a lot that goes into owning and running a vehicle, so anything you can do to take the stress away and make your life easier is the road best traveled. Here are a...
Maintaining Your New Vehicle
When you have a new vehicle, you can get very excited about your recent purchase and lose sight of some of the important things, especially when it comes to car maintenance. Follow along on this guide to help you keep track of all your records and keep your new ride...
How to Cultivate a Positive Car Buying Experience
Creating a car buying experience that is both enjoyable and productive seems like a big challenge. However, with the right amount of prep, it’s entirely possible. Here are some tips on how to make this experience a positive one. Do Extensive Research Take vehicle...
The Best Time to Trade in Your Car
Are you thinking about trading in your car? Similar to buying a car, there’s an art to the timing of a trade in. Here are a couple things you consider when you’re ready to say goodbye to your vehicle. Mileage The trade in value of your car has less to do with mileage...
Navigating the Bells and Whistles on a Car
Cars come with all sorts of features and options and sometimes it can get overwhelming, especially if you are the proud owner of a new car, you might not know where to start. Eliminate some of the guessing game by spending some time with your vehicle while not...
Car Buying Survival Guide
Buying a car can be an exciting venture, especially when you have something in mind that you really want. There are so many possibilities and options, the best thing you can do for yourself is prepare to have the most pleasant experience possible with the least...
Common Lies You Hear from Car Dealerships
Are you aware of the deceitful tactics used by car dealerships? They’ll do almost anything to make a sale. As a consumer you should familiarize yourself with some of the sales angles. Here are some common lies you’ll encounter. Sense of Urgency It’s in a salesman’s...
The Great Auto Shortage of 2021
Issues with the production of superconductors has led to a global vehicle shortage. These computer chips are essential and manufacturers are having a difficult time keeping up with demand. How long will this continue? Let’s take a look at what industry leaders are...
Road-Trip Tool Box for Every Car
The first rule of taking a road trip is knowing that things are not always going to go the way they are supposed to. Being prepared for the worst-case scenario will never be a bad thing. Put together the perfect kit to make sure everything goes as smoothly as...
Save Gas and Save Your Bank Account
The trend is happening once again. Every summer, when the traveling starts to pick up, so do the gas prices. As the demand for gas increases, we see our money begin to decrease. To prepare for it, we need to make sure we are getting the best gas mileage with our...