Car Loans you Should Never Take Out

Car Loans you Should Never Take Out

If you fall into the majority of Americans who need to borrow money in order to buy a vehicle, there are a couple things you should know. Certain lenders may offer you a loan that extends to 72 or 84 months. These types of loans are rarely a good idea. Here are some...
The Importance of the Test Drive

The Importance of the Test Drive

Using the internet to research vehicle ratings and reviews is a great start to looking for a new car. However, there are certain things the internet can’t help you with. Pictures and descriptions only go so far when determining what will work best for you and...
Alternative Transportation Methods

Alternative Transportation Methods

Nowadays, commuters have more choices than ever to decide how they’re going to get to work. Revamped public transportation and ride share companies have really changed the way people get around. If you’re not in a position to own your own vehicle or you...
Auto Shop Tips

Auto Shop Tips

It can be inconvenient and sometimes intimidating to take your car to the auto shop. If you aren’t a car expert, you may often feel left in the dark when the service manager talks to you about everything you need to fix on your car. The cost is never appealing either....
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