When it comes to vehicles, there are a few myths that have been around for decades. Both technology and the manufacturing process have come such a long way in recent decades. Does that make most of the advice given to us by our parents/grandparents obsolete? Let’s take a look at some common car ‘myths’ to see if they still hold true.

Did you know you don’t have to replace all four of your tires at the same time? An article written for rd.com explains this further by saying, “Sure this logic could make sense, but it’s actually not needed. Just because one tire needs to be replaced doesn’t mean you need to fork over the money to replace all four. As long as the tire is the same brand, model, and size, you are good to go!”
Oil Changes
One common message about oil changes is that you have to get your oil changed every 3,000 miles. However, as vehicle technology has advanced, there are more models that will allow you to go longer. There are some that only require an oil change every 10,000 miles. Another common myth is that you need to change your air filter with every oil change. This isn’t true. If your car technician is recommending the service, ask to see the filter. You’ll be able to tell whether or not it needs changing.
Premium Gas
Filling your tank with premium gas is another myth you may have heard. The above mentioned article also states, “This gas may be more expensive, but that doesn’t mean it’s purer or cleaner than the regular gas that you fill up with. This gas is used for particular cars that need fuel that is less combustible, but it won’t make any difference to your normal vehicle. You’ll know if your vehicle requires premium gas by reading your manual. If your car’s engine requires a higher-octane level then you should use premium. If not, don’t waste your money!”
Time of Fill Up
Have you ever heard someone tell you to fill up your gas tank in the morning? People used to think that in the afternoon heat, gas was likely to evaporate. The end result would be that you receive less gas for your money. This is a myth. The temperature of gas doesn’t typically fluctuate much. The good news? You don’t have to worry about waking up early to fill up your tank.

Warming Up Your Car
Are you warming up your car before driving in the snow? Turns out, this isn’t a good idea. Idling is bad for your car. Newer vehicles only need about 30 seconds to warm up before you can start driving. Bundle up before you get in the car and let technology do its thing.
Technology has improved tremendously in the last couple decades. Because of this, many of the old car ‘truths’ we’ve heard for years are now obsolete. Do your research to know what’s best for your vehicle.
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