Your car goes everywhere with you and because life happens wherever you go, you never know when you might be in need of a mini-emergency kit. Take a few of these tips and make yourself a little kit to keep in your car that will keep you covered wherever your travels take you.
Clean Up Items
We are constantly on the go, that means eating and drinking in our car. Some of us apply makeup or finish our hair from the front seat. This means there are plenty of opportunities for spills and thrills. Make sure you keep a few clean up items in your car such as napkins, wet wipes, an extra bottle of water and hand sanitizer. These will help you clean up any spill or accident quickly.
Necessary Paperwork and Stationery
Keep a tidy folder of all your car documents, insurance car, registration in one place so it’s easy to access when you need it. Especially during a fender bender or traffic stop, you’ll be pretty nervous, so it’s best to keep this all in an easily accessible place and organized together. Also, how many times have you looked for a pen or something to write with in your car? Keep a couple pens or pencils in your glove box so you will always be at the ready.
Tire Pressure Gauge and Air Pump
Maintaining the air pressure in your tires is important car care that often gets overlooked. Keep yourself prepared by acquiring your own tire pressure gauge and keep an emergency air pump in your trunk. You never want to totally rely on the functionality of the one that might be available at the air pump stations at gas stations, they might not be free, calibrated correctly, or give an accurate reading.

Jumper Cables
You don’t need them until you need them. Carrying some in your car not only helps and protects yourself when you hit a battery problem, but you also can be the hero when someone you know needs a hand. Make sure to properly educate yourself on how to use them and take all safety precautions while using.
Snacks and Miscellaneous
It’s a good idea to keep a few snacks in your car for when you might be in a pinch and won’t be able to get something to eat in between appointments or on the car ride home after a long day. Also think about other items that might help at random times like a couple travel packs of Tylenol, eye drops for dry eyes, and tissues for runny noses. Keep these maintained when you use them so you’ll never run out. During the winter months you can add items like lip balm and moisturizer for dry hands and lips, but make sure to take them out in the summer otherwise they will melt.
Making yourself a little mini-emergency kit might take a little putting together and organizing in the beginning, but you’ll be so happy when you need something and you are prepared for anything!
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